Soft cushioning insole made of Lunatec fusion
Lunatec fusion 30 and 40 bond without adhesives.
Diabetes-adapted footbed
Diagnosis: Diabetes mellitus; Diabetic foot
Patient: approx. 80 kg
Used materials:
Base: Lunatec combi 2 (16 mm) vulcanised composite sheet with Lunairflex (bedding, 6 mm) and Lunasoft SLW (permanently resilient, 10 mm)
Top layer: Lunairmed (3 mm) in colour 27 light blue
The diabetes-adapted footbed is build up from various soft layers in a sandwich technique, after taking a cast of the foot.
You are able to reduce pressure spots on exposed parts of the foot and simultaneously obtain even load trough pressure distribution.
Using Lunatec combi sheets enables an efficient working process as it saves time and therefore money.
How to make a diabetes-adapted footbed of nora® EVA materials Lunatec combi 2 and Lunairmed:
Children’s shoes with Astro expanded rubber soling sheet, profile Sunflower.
The composite sheet Lunatec combi is the ideal base for an efficient manufacture of a diabetes-adapted footbed.
Made from Lunasoft SL, individually build up with soling and cap elements made of Astro Geo.
Dual-sided milled insoles made from three-layered milling material Lunatec combiCAD 2
Soft and cushioning interim shoe made of Lunasoft SL and Lunairmed as well as more materials.